I turned on the News that morning. I didn't usually turn it on. I was making pancakes and hubby was still in bed (he was still recovering from his injury) and my daughter was in the highchair getting somethin to eat. I saw the program on there and it sounded like there was a movie on. When I finally realized it was for real I called Joe out to see. He looked and first thing he said was "What movie is this?" Finally he realized too that it was reality not movie. Just about that time we watched as they broadcast live the plane striking the second tower. It made my heart sink. This wasn't by accident. Someone had purposed to harm our country and so many innocent people. I still cannot fathom what they really thought would happen. How could they expect that sort of thing to harm our country? They know what our country is willing to do to our enemies. We've shown that. If they know their history they know what our country is capable of withstanding. Yes it made us work harder, it caused grief to many but it hasn't stopped us.
Hubby has a cousin who he knows well stationed in Iraq. He was home for a month of leave but may not be back for his new baby to be born. I can't imagine the heartache that others have gone through.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.