The important thing to remember with so little money for computers is that you need to build the computers cheap and identical. You also need to purchase software licenses, because if you're setting up a legitimate business, you don't want to be using pirated copies of software.
Cybercafes especially are questioned for software legitimacy, because it's so easy to pirate stuff there. You're also going to want to buy licenses for Symantec Ghost (or something similar) to image the computers nightly back to a fresh state, to undo any damage users may have done to the operating systems, viruses, etc.
You'll want to be sure to buy AV software for them if you let the users browse the web, check e-mail, and so on. You will probably want to - with so many computers - set them up in a domain environment to make management easy as well, but that might not be that big of a deal if you're strict about reimaging them.
Plus, you need to buy all of the games for all of the computers.
Those things will probably add a lot to your costs, so you're going to want to make sure you make every penny count.