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Old 09-11-2004, 04:47 AM   #29 (permalink)
42, baby!
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Location: The Netherlands
Originally Posted by Pacifier
Yes, but Sharon is a warmonger, he has no intrest in deescalation. With him in Power no peace will be possible.
The same can be said about Arafat and the Palestinian leaders. So why focus on Sharon. He may be a hawk, but he's not going to be around forever. Arafat has been in power for a longer time than Sharon, so I'd say he is more responsible for this mess than Sharon is.

No, the wall runs over palestinians grounds, thats why the UN criticised it. You cannot build a wall on your neighbors ground.
Hence my statement that the wall should be allowed if it ran along the UN-mandated frontier. The current wall doesn't help the peace process one bit, but it stops terror attacks. And it's not like the wall is the *cause* of the Arab hatred of Israel, now is it? It's just another excuse to attack Israel.


You know, perhaps Israel should give the conquered lands back to the original owners: Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt. Let's see how the Palestinians would like *that* scenario...

Last edited by Dragonlich; 09-11-2004 at 04:50 AM..
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