I remember that I was sleeping when the actual attacks happened. I also had a job interview the very same day. When I woke up, as usual I turned on the TV and saw the attacks...oddly, the first time I saw it I did not think much of it, believing it was either fake or an accident. But after repeated instant replays and the reporter commentary explaining that "America is under attack", it kind of hit me a little harder. But in all honesty, even at that point, it wasn’t as surreal to me as most others. I went about my getting ready for the interview. Everything seemed normal, people going to work, people driving around, people having fun, the usual. It wasn’t till the next morning when it truly hit home. The reason it did not hit me as hard as others is because I wasn’t surprised, as an attack was bound to happen in the States sooner or later.
September 11th was the worst day any of us have ever seen in our entire lives for humanity.
To Americans it is the worst day they have witnessed because such things don’t happen on a regular basis. But at the same time, awful things are done to other countries by the US all the time. So although it may seem like the worst attack ever, it is not. Americans have just become so accustomed to safety while ignoring problems in other countries, that it took an event like this to open their eyes. But you mustn’t forget, this is not at all odd as it happens everyday. Maybe not in the manner of this or for that matter on the same scale, but it does happen. For example, there are reports ranging anywhere from 10,000-30,000 dead civilians in Iraq, more than twice to five times that of Sep 11.
Nobody should have to die in this manner, except the scum who commit these awful acts. I will pray for the innocent lives lost Sep 11 as well as the innocent lives lost all over the world everyday. May they rest in peace and may we never forget the reality that is death and live life to the fullest. Rather than letting such events cause racism and violence, I wish for it to cause unity and peace, otherwise it will end in more bloodshed, and that ultimately is what we need to avoid in order to have a more prosperous future.