I am a Law Enforcement Officer in the Las Vegas, Nevada area. Here we would regard the carrying of a "sap" and/or blackjack as illegal and would ticket and confiscate. A better option would be the common "Kubaton". If one becomes trained in its use and then stays current, kubatons are very good in close quarter battle situations. The big problem that I see is that a gun or a knife always will defeat the kubaton if available to the BG. Why not just avail yourself of the CCW laws and get the training and a permit? NRA statistics show us that 92/93 % of the time that a Good Guy shows a gun and orders the BG to "stop that", that is exactly what happens. There are some tactics that the GG should learn to ensure that happening, but are not too hard to learn or to retain. The ASP is a Law Enforcement tool and is not legal carry for non-police.
Last edited by Big Cholla; 09-10-2004 at 09:01 PM..