Originally posted by Dave
All I was trying to get at is that in the area of linux, there is a lot more choice, so we end up with individual opinion coming into it.
I guess that by all means, give examples of alternatives (this *nix, there's more than one way to do something), but don't make it seem that it's the only option.
That's really the great thing about *nix; there's always more than one way to do things. With any Open Source system, you can hack it and customize it and mold it every which way you can think of. I'm always amazed at the creativity that's out there. So I think that it is really easy to get carried away with enthusiasm for our own personal favorites and opinions. But there is a fine line between enthusiastic expression of opinion and giving the impression of proselytizing. To my eye, if you have a favorite way of doing something that is different from what I have conceived, tell me why you like it. It's the one sentence answers that make me want to just say "WTF?!"