Originally Posted by OpieCunningham
Well ... in a sense maybe. But if I ran around killing people and claimed that the Catholic God told me to do it, I'm sure almost everyone would label me Insane and not an Insane Catholic.
But assuredly you are correct - whether we believe they are Muslim or not makes no difference to them. But it probably does make a difference to the billion Muslims who are not going around killing people/children.
Fair point, and duly noted.
But what I meant was the difference between Islamic terrorists and "secular" terrorists (like the IRA, Shining Path, Bader-Meinhoff group etc) is that the former specifically refer to their
jihad (a religous crusade).
Let's consider the Iraqi "insurgents". Even the Pentagon and US Administration do not accuse them of being Islamic terrorists; or even terrorists at all really. Everyone agrees that if the Western powers left Iraq, they would cease their activities; by definition.
No one thinks that the same is true for Al Queda.
Mr Mephisto