Originally Posted by Jeff
So most people want them because they're cool.
"Right to bear arms", sure. You've got your handguns, shotguns, and rifles. I don't see where banning a certain type is infringing on your rights.
I'd like to be convinced, so far I'm not.
Most people want them because they're more reliable, more durable, and have better ergonomics. "Cool" has nothing to do with it. Anyone who wants a gun because it looks "cool" is not responsible enough to own one and deserves the performance record of the Desert Eagle they'll end up buying for the "coolness" factor.
Well does this mean anybody can buy an AK-47 or Uzi now?
I'm just trying to get educated here. I'm really neither for, or against it at this point.
This was covered in my first post. The fact that you're asking proves that media brainwashing has worked. They've managed to associate their so-called "assault weapons" with assault rifles. Under the ban, I still could have bought an AK-47 or UZI (not really, I'm not 21, but if I was old enough, I could have.) After the ban expires, the weapons that you're concerned about are still subject to the same regulations that have been in place since 1934. Refer to the link in my first post for details on how difficult it is to get one, and why it's nearly impossible for a criminal to get one.
With the assault weapons ban gone, you do not have to worry about criminals from obtaining automatic weapons. The ban has nothing to do with automatic weapons. The only thing you will have to worry about is people who will once again try to take away your rights.