Originally Posted by adysav
BBC News
Besides, the IRA admitted to taking money from Irish Americans, people who would rather see them reunite Ireland by force. It costs millions of dollars a year to run a militant organisation, and most of the IRA's money came from those who turned a blind eye to terrorism until it started happening to them.
Besides, slapping a religious label on a group doesn't make it so.
If you were a Jewish gang rape group does that mean the Jewish world is behind it and it follows Jewish teachings?
They might think they're doing it for Islam, but come on, it's not really is it.
entirely missing the point.
The IRA did not collect money to "kill British children", (as you stated) but they collected money for their "armed struggle." Some of the more fundamentalist Islamic terrorrists do specifically and explicitly target civilians.
I thought that distinction was obvious. Maybe I should spell out what I mean in future.
With regards to arguing whether the Islamic fundamentalist terrrorists are
really Islamic or not, I think it's fair that if they
say they are, and use religious dogma to justify their attacks, then they are. I doubt they really give a shit if you think they're not. :-)
Mr Mephisto