Originally Posted by phyzix525
where are you getting this?
I just got this off ABCNews
Killian's son, Gary Killian, who served in the Guard with his father, also told ABC News Radio that he doubts his father wrote the documents. "It was not the nature of my father to keep private files like this, nor would it have been in his own interest to do so," he said.
"We don't know where the documents come from," he said, adding, "They didn't come from any family member."
His daughter and wife both have come out against this.
If this is true and these are false, Kerry is sunk for sure.
No you don't understand these documents are obviously true, even if his widow, his son, and his fellow officers say they are fake and totally out of the character of the man who wrote them, while people who served with Kerry in Vietnam are obviously lying and paid for by Bush.
This is the interesting thing about the thought processes of some of the people here. When I first heard about the new Bush files I figured it was something of the classic 'October Surprise' and I didn't think they would be stupid enough to use fakes. I assumed they were sitting on these and released them now as a political ploy of course, and Dan Rather would be a willing accomplice, but I did assume they would be true. (btw whoever said that Dan Rather doesn't write his own stories, that my well be true because he is big enough to not have to, but if you think he doesn't get final approval on what he goes with after all these years as their #1 guy you are sadly mistaken).
I can't say I am unhappy that they look like they may well be fakes, but I gave them the possibility of being true.
Others here seem to assume that if its something bad about Kerry is said, it must be somehow planed, paid for and manipulated by the Bush campaign and can be ignored. When a former POW in Vietnam says Kerry's lying testimony to congress was used to justify his torture, they say 'see the guy who funded the add that let this man speak is a Bush supporter therefore it can't be trusted!'
But when a scandal ridden Kerry fundraiser changes his story on Bush's guard duty and Dan Rather gives the guy an interview there is nothing untoward with it.
When you allow your intellectual honesty to suffer in order to maintain your beliefs you exchange your philosophy for a religion. Ironic when you think how some members of the left think about religious faith.
Edit: I felt I should add this.
If the worst things said about Bush in the Vietnam Years are true then his father tried to keep him out of the war, he was crappy at showing up on time, and used his connections to get away with it.
If the worst things said about John Kerry are true, he knownly gave aid and comfort to the enemy by lying to congress, and added to the suffering of American POW's in Vietnam.
The first one shows a spoiled foturnate son.
The second shows a traitor.