If we're going to restrict firearms to the technology of the 18th Century, let's be consistant.
The 1st Amendment must only be exercised through quill pens, manual printing presses, and the spoken word. No fountain, ballpoint, or felt-tip pens. No typewriters, mechanical printing presses of any type, printers of any type, computers, radio, television, or telegraph.
Travel must only be conducted on horseback or on foot. No bycicles, automobiles, airplanes, motorcycles, trolly-cars, trains, or ships driven by anything other than sail-power.
All men must wear breeches and stockings, and the truly fashionable may opt for a powedered wig or lace cravat.
All women must wear corsets with whalebone stays, button-up shoes, and hoop-skirts.
Women, Blacks, Native Americans, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Swarthy Immigrants, persons not holding more than 300 acres of land, and lawyers are now forbidden to vote.
Women are the property of their husbands, and may be beaten by their husbands, provided that no weapon larger in diameter than the husbands thumb is used. Marital Rape is now legal. No woman may marry without her father's consent, and divorced women and widows may, in some states, be required to obtain the permission of their Justice Of Peace to remarry.
Homosexuals and adulterers may be hanged by the neck until dead.
Adulterous women may be branded with an "A" upon the cheek or forehead, and lecherous men may be likewise branded with an "L".
Do you see how rediculous that is?