Originally Posted by Ustwo
Odd that Dan Rather wouldn't do the same kind of interview for a Swift boat vet
Not really. This issue is one of documentary evidence that supports it. The SBVT issue is one of hearsay vs. documentary evidence that denounces it. In other words, the difference between having a leg to stand on and not.
Odd that the man interviewed by Dan rather is a BIG time Kerry supporter
And Dan Bartlett is... ?
Odd that the same man said just the opposite in 1999
Not really considering he repeated what he said in 1999 which is the same thing Bush thanked him for saying in 1999 - that someone other than a Bush family member asked him to help lil' Bush into the National Guard.
But you know what is odd ...
- If the documents are fake, why has the Bush crew spent so much time defending themselves on merit instead of questioning the docs if they knew the documents didn't accurately reflect the events which took place?