Originally Posted by irateplatypus
pan, i've got to say it... it really looks like you're grasping for straws already. that's quite a long line of ulterior motives. do you perform a similar exegesis on every news controversy? if so, that must be exhausting.
the silver lining of the issue is that perhaps for once we can have some empirical evidence as to the veracity of these political charges. hopefully the truth of the matter will be decided by research and forensics and not decided along party affiliation. i think that would be a breath of fresh air to us all.
Not grasping at straws just stating I don't trust a word out of Dredge's mouth and gave a reason as to why other media sources would like to see CBS's rep hurt.
When you look at what companies will do to each other to further their profit margin or the corporate espionage (and the media is no different, if not worse, because he who controls the media controls the opinions of the majority) it is a possibility.
I didn't say I was speaking fact, just gave a purpose as to why the CBS attack.
Look around the media is cutting each other's throats, much like the hatred that abounds in the partisan politics we have. To believe that there is no ulterior motive behind one news agency calling another's into question is IMO, blind. That's all I was doing was questioning who had the most to gain by just putting out this rumor. To which I gave a very feasible answer.
I didn't say conspiracy, I didn't say it was fact. I laid an opinion and a scenario out that could be a very plausible possibility. If we have become a nation that is so blind as to not consider plausible possibilities or allow another to give an opinion without labelling them a conspiracy nut or saying they are grasping at straws then we are doomed to eventually no individual thinking and we shall face the loss of our freedom of speech, because noone will exercise it. We'll be either too scared of what others may think of us, or we may just believe that our opinion and our questions don't matter. And to me that is the worst thing we can allow to happen. Questioning and opinions are what allows mankind to better itself and progress as freewilled individuals.