Since I need to fill the void between the end of the WoW stresstest and Rome:Total War, I'll likely pick this up come Monday.
Where did you hear it will be out Monday?
Anyway, The first Sims was addictive at first, like a lot revolutionary games. I didn't purchase any of the expansions, and unfortunately did get sucked into that most abysmal of MMOs, The Sims Online. The most intriguing thing about the new version is the aspirations system, coupled with behavior having a pronounced effect on the look of the Sim. For instance, if they don't exercise they will start to get fat, etc. I think it is fascinating from a philosophical standpoint, what aspects of RL do they include, what don't they include. It could be seen as a model of a particular ideology, and trying to undermine that ideology could prove fun.
There was something fun (and a little twisted) about building a fence around a Sim and waiting for them to starve to death.
Or filling a huge lot with beds and nothing else and betting on who would survive.
Not that I don't enjoy playing it the way it was meant to be, but truly great games have more latitude, and it is this that makes them more replayable, IMO.