Again, the truth is lost in the maelstrom of political voleyball. There is enough to give the Kerry and Bush supporters each further evidence that the other side is playing dirty pool and further galvanize them behind their candidates.
I personally don't care whether or not someone served in Vietnam. I respect those who did and think that the actions of Kerry, McCain, and others speaks positively about their character. I don't hold it against Clinton, Bush, and others who dodged involvement though. I do think it is dissappointing when one isn't forthright about the path they took, though, whichever it was.
I don't support Kerry because he was in 'Nam, and I don't oppose Bush because he didn't. There are many I support who didn't go, and many I don't who did. I support Kerry because of where I want to see this country go and do over the next four years, and Kerry is a lot more aligned with my views in that regard.
And that is what I think an election should come down to: the next four years, not the last forty. Record is valuable in gauging what a candidate is capable of, and what their tendencies are, but it shouldn't be all consuming.