Lucid Flight
The lucid dream I had this week was just the best. I discovered myself flying through a
vast interior scene with many chambers and caverns. I was holding a ribbon-type thing -
similar to the long ribbons employed by synchronized teams of Olympic gymnasts. The ribbon was slung behind my back and as I held the ends out in front of me I could sort of sit back and relax and be propelled forward. The ends of the ribbon vibrated in tight spirals as if they were a set of propellers.
Indoors, they had a cutting effect, like chain saws, on anything they touched. So I had to maneuver myself above the floors to keep them from ripping apart. I decided to find a way to exit and get outdoors. As I executed these maneuvers it was clear this was a full-fledged flying device and I began to soar above the trees. I immediately realized I was dreaming and that I could do the most impossible things without danger to myself.
I sought out a hurricane over the ocean and entered the eye wall for the thrill, ride, and flight of my life. The wind howled and the rain flew sideways. And I was able to maintain awareness that I was dreaming for the duration of the dream.
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