For the font. Look at CBS's documents. Look at the "e's" They float above the baseline. That only happens with typewriters, not computers. The capital M and J's also do not match up with computer aided baselines.
The times new roman on the typewriter is close but DOES NOT MATCH Microsofts version of it.
The IBM Selectric has the open 4 that is in the memos, Microsoft's 4, does not.
The EXISTANCE of the IBM selectric, while expensive, proves that the documents very well can be real.
Proof that the Airforce used selectrics at the time
A Service Test was completed for the International Business Machines (IBM) "Selectric" typewriter and Magnetic Tape "Selectric" Composer.
Another reference to selectrics in the ANG
At the time of the AFSCOASO's birth, creating printed matter on paper was called typing. If you were really fortunate, your office had an IBM Selectric and plenty of correction ribbon.
If any of you worked in government, like I do, you know that you should NEVER have extra money at the end of the fiscal year. If you do you are in danger of having your budget cut. So, you come to the end with enough money to spend, and you go buy some fancy typewriters to fill our your budget. Not hard to imagine.