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Old 09-10-2004, 06:01 AM   #23 (permalink)
Location: 38° 51' N 77° 2' W
we're kind of off track here, i didn't start this thread to be a an israel-love-it-or-hate-it semite-antisemite slugfest. if someone else wants that, a poll might be more appropriate. i'm looking for constructive and -as arttv would appreciate- pragmatic plans and proposals for dealing with a very contentious issue in judeo-christian-muslim relations that has challenged geopolitical stability for millenia.

here's a suggestion to try to move the discussion around:

what if we started with jeruselam and made it into a completely separate international city-state?

we don't have to follow the precendents of the allied occupation of berlin after WWII, but it does provide some conceptual framework for consideration. we might also look to the example of the creation of the district of columbia when the united states first transitioned from confederacy to federacy and there was a great deal of concern of which state would house the seat of central government.

since jerusalem is a major holy city for each religion, perhaps a global district under the jurisdiction of the united nations is a possible compromise. i would propose a triumvirate for civic governance, but i would suspect that the islamic leg would be wary of doubleteaming by the judeo and christian legs... perhaps having a secular authority to balance that would help.
if everyone is thinking alike, chances are no one is thinking.
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