To your first paragraph: I'm sorry, I was unclear. By the past four years, I didn't mean terrorists, I meant Ashcroft and Bush. Your second paragraph responds to the same, regardless. Yes, tyrants have learned a lot in the past 229 years; that is WHY the founders gave us the gift of the second amendment.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure. ~Thomas Jefferson
To say that guns are irrelevant to the cause of liberty because the people will be manipulated into accepting tyranny consentually rather than coerced into it is very pessimistic and ignores three bits: 1) I am 20, 2) I and others like me have a lifespan that will average out to 80 more years or so on this planet, and 3) Some of them feel the same way I do (that suffrage and speech are not priveledges, and will not forget that anytime soon).
As to the classifications, I do not agree that a pistol grip rifle with a clip capacity of 12 rounds is more dangerous than a pistol grip rifle with a clip capacity of 10 rounds, but the assault weapon classification scheme would have me believe just that. It's not the labeling of the items that I care about, it's the defining factors.