Originally Posted by ManWithAPlan
twice this happened to me... i wake up and i hear this random scratching in my wall somewhere accross the room... almost like someone winding up a one-time-use camera...
*scratch-scratch-scratch* and then it stops, then a few seconds later it comes again...
scared the living SHIT out of me... the first time it happened i went to go sleep in the guest bedroom
That would be the possums.
Seriously though just last week I had a really creepy experience. I was sitting here at my computer, late at night, and my boyfriend had already gone to bed. Suddenly I had the most vivid sense that someone had come up behind me, and it was so real that I just assumed it must be him, so I turned around to look but there was nobody there. The thing is, I even saw a shadow fall across my computer monitor, I'm sure I did. I got so scared I just went in the bedroom and got into bed with him right away. I've never felt creeped out in this apartment before but that really put the fear into me. It was the
shadow, you know?