Having secured supreme political power without winning support from the majority of Germans, Hitler in fact did go on to win it, and he remained overwhelmingly popular until the very end of his regime. He was a master orator, and with all of Germany's mass media under the control of his propaganda chief, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, he was able to persuade most Germans that he was their saviour — from the Depression, the Communists, the Versailles Treaty and the Jews. For those who were not persuaded, the SA, the SS and the Gestapo (secret state police) were given a free hand, and thousands disappeared into concentration camps. Many thousands more emigrated, including about half of Germany's Jews.
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler" target=_blank>Wikipedia</a>
The fact is, Hitler was not able to rule Germany simply because the populace did not have access to guns. There is no sign of any significant popular resistance which would have been willing to sacrifice their lives for the removal of Hitler from power. There is a much stronger argument that Hitler was able to rule Germany because he controlled the media.
Anyone claiming to be concerned with the threat of tyranny from the government would be of better service in focusing their efforts on the affects of <a href="http://www.tfproject.org/tfp/showthread.php?t=67690" target=_blank>media consolidation</a> and not the 2nd Amendment.