Originally Posted by rukkyg
You're more likely to shoot a family member or yourself or anyone-but-the-criminal who enters your home. Since this is generally the only way that people who don't commit crimes use guns in relation to crime, saying anything about crime and guns in an effort to say that there should be less or no control does not make sense.
Read pages 14-19 of the PDF in relation to children and accidental discharges. In particular...
Fact: In 1996, there were only 21 accidental firearm deaths for children under age 15. Contrast this with 40 kids under age five that drowned in buckets and 80 that drowned in tubs (i.e. parents could have prevented six (6) times as many drowning deaths as they could firearm deaths).
Originally Posted by Kostya
I live in Australia, we have gun control, less people get shot here, I like it...
Read page 47, which specifically focuses on Australia. In particular...
Fact: Crime has been rising since a sweeping ban on private gun ownership. In the first two years after gun-owners were forced to surrender 640,381 personal firearms, government statistics show a dramatic increase in criminal activity. In 2001-2002, homicides were up another 20%.
Pretty hardcore evidence there.