Originally Posted by OpieCunningham
Possibly so. But it's been almost 2 years since we removed troops from the area and we do not have Bin Laden.
How long should we continue to follow a course of action which has had no success?
Troll baiting are we? Success is purely in perspective. You could argue all night and I doubt it would change anyone's mind as to whether we have been successful or not. Overall, while we haven't been as successful as I feel we should have been, things aren't going as bad as they could be. Therefore we have had some measure of success. On Oct 9th the Afghans will hold an election. Next year the Iraqi's will also hold an election. In some respects, our military is better suited to keep the insurgents busy over there versus civilians here in our streets, it appears the combatants are more evenly matched this way. As ustwo stated, there hasn't been an attack here since 9/11, so that has to be counted as some sort of success. So yes we have had setbacks, but there has been a few things to cheer about. From your perspective you may not feel there has been any success, but from my view we have been at least 75% successful. As I stated above, success is merely a perspective or opinion. Opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.