Originally Posted by seretogis
It's ridiculous to expect complete and total success of two invasions
They'll welcome us as liberators. It was not my expectation. It was the expectation of the people that decided this is what we would do.
We can debate forever the opinions of whether Al Qaeda has been dealt a crippling blow or whether terrorism around the world is increasing. Those are discussions you can have in one of the 10 or 20 other threads where the facts of the increase in terrorist activities since Afghanistan and Iraq are ignored.
As I said - this is a thread where I want someone to tell me something other than "just give it time that we never believed it would take even when we told you it wouldn't take much time at all".
Democracy, freedom, victory - these are all great ideals. But all of the evidence of the course of this country over the past 3 years demonstrates that we are not any closer to achieving them. The plans have failed to live up to their claims.