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Old 09-09-2004, 12:37 PM   #30 (permalink)
Yes, i must agree with you. glocks are awful,terrible things with just the cruddiest safety features,there very inaccurate, the triggers are terrible,ect..........that must be why OVER 80% OF OUR NATIONS LAW ENFORCMENT OFFICERS,LOCAL PD'S,SHERIFFS,CIA,FBI,ECT issue GLOCKs as there deparments PRIMARY WEAPONS, including to most of the secret service......

they have to just be terrible.

in reading this thread, i also noticed someone posted from another web page in regards to glock's that KB!.....

if youll read than completely, youll see that it states that in almost every single case, the KB! was caused due to the shooter using RELOADED OR LEAD AMMO in the glock......a big no-no......ACTUALLY, IF IM NOT MISTAKEN THERE WAS ONLY 1 REPORT OF A KB WITH FACTORY AMMO.

"Which Glock models are affected?

Speir has documented many instances of kB!s, all of them in the Models 20 and 30-something Glock (.40 S&W, 10mm and .45 ACP). Speir has no (as in zero!) confirmed cases of Glock kB!s in the 9 x 19mm (Models 17, 17L, 18, 19, 26 and 34, although there has been one such reasonably detailed anecdotal report), or the .380 ACP/9 X 17mm (Models 25 and 28). And since the introduction of the Models 30-through-36, there have been incidents of kB!s in the 357 SIG (Models 31, 32 and 33) and the .45 ACP (Models 30 and 36) pistols as well... all with reloaded or remanufactured rounds by most accounts"

i personally own 2 GLOCK 20's, a first and third gen. i have fired apprx. 20,000+ rounds thru the 1st gen, all factory ammo, and have YET to have a problem, with alot of those being either hand loaded JHP or JFN , some to around 1750+ FPS
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