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Old 09-09-2004, 12:27 PM   #22 (permalink)
Location: 38° 51' N 77° 2' W
Originally Posted by Ustwo
I would do as we are doing.

What I find ironic is the people talking about making the US more secure and I'll bet you these are the same people who whine about the patriot act, gitmo, racial profiling, and every other thing done to fight the war on terror. Look at the size of the US, add to it we are a free society, if you want to hit us IT WILL HAPPEN. We need to be proactive not reactive. We can't build a bunker and hope to catch every nut job if you want to maintain your freedom. As such we nail them, we make them impotent, we remove the governments that support them, and we KILL them.

But we all know war has never solved anything right? (pause for laughter)
Originally Posted by Ustwo
This is a military problem with a military solution.

Diplomacy is part of what governments do. Diplomacy always continues to assist problem solving as applicable.)
By this reasoning, we should moblize V Corps against those who stalk and kill doctors at planned parenthood clinics in our own country.

the administration's marketing campaign has successfully linked 'terrorists' with the middle east for most of us. terrorism is a tactic, it is not exclusive to any group or creed. there are plenty of terrorists outside of the middle east, in places like chechnya for instance, and they all have different motives and agendas. all nations live with the threat of terrorism, and have lived with it for a very long time.

giving up pieces of our freedom is not the price of living in a free society. you needn't study philosophy to recognize this obvious paradox.

there is a big difference between militants and military. i do not think that terrorism is military problem, although i might agree if it had been said that it is a martial problem. use of force is warranted, but i prefer to think of it in terms of a policing rather than invading and conquering.

as president, the first thing i would do to fight the war on terror is to declare an end to the war on terror. the semantics and manipulation of our citizens by pork-bellied politicians peddling fear would be deep-sixed instantly. fear is the product of terrorism, our own politicians are doing the work of terrorists so they don't have to.

as president, i would not go declaring war on anything, that's a job for congress. i would look to find what went amiss with our existing agencies and repair them and then restructure and recommit to our global efforts to maintain peace and order so that nations can engage in profitable commerce.

finally, as president, i would declare a hard and fast moritorium on all non-secular agendas. there would be zero consideration for any religious persuasion: whatever individuals want to believe is fine, but the government treats all beliefs with equal respect and all cultures with dignity. my administration would stop playing cold war domino games.
if everyone is thinking alike, chances are no one is thinking.
gibingus is offline  

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