Originally Posted by Ustwo
SF - You do know that the people arn't starving and that poverty and capitalism have nothing to do with this? Also how would you get rid of the government in places like Syria? People arn't killing themselves with bombs strapped to their bodies because they are poor here and opressed by the evil capitalists of your nightmares.
Do you think someone is so hopeless and filled with hate that they will kill themselves just to kill an imagined enemy at the same time because they are very happy with their lot? It is true that there is not a large portion of the worlds population which is starving (but some are) - but many people are hopeless and denied a basic quality of life and human dignity. Saudi Arabia is a country of incredible wealth where most people are very poor - THIS is what makes terrorists... to overthrow their government would not be the right path, it would only lead to nationalistic hate and terror... the course I recomend is to support the working class and egalitarian movements in each country.
I would buy oil from a socialist co-operative of the Saudi people before I buy it from some billionaire prince.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas