i liked the story too. i was critical of the content because the of the author's introductory claim on the "fact" page.
"All descriptions of artwork, architecture, documents, and secret rituals in this novel
are accurate."
so i gave him the benefit of the doubt for part of the book...and felt misled later.
anyway, i liked sifting through some of the topics he covered. i kind of like to find out what IS actually fact. john does look like a nancy in the last supper painting...could even be a woman, but it's hard to say. and at first peter's hand seems to be slicing at the throat, but actually he appears to be leaning in to speak. then there is the knife, which has obviously spooked one of the disciples. all in all, it's rather ambiguous.
here's what the NYT art critic says...
this website sounds kind of nutty but the NYT doesn't have it archived on their site
im still going to look into his claims on the early catholic church. i know they scrapped some of the gnostic gospels because they were of dubious authenticity, but im not yet sure if there were alterior motives for these actions.