I would solve terrorism by removing the causes of terrorism.
Ultimately this means the destruction of the capitalist and feudalist state, the introduction of a socialist society in each state and then across the world, the re-education of the working class.
In the short term... I would give food and aid to the poor people of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and so on... I would support the working class movement in these countries and frustrate the capitalists and ruling classes... I would fill Iraq with books and food and hope.. not bombs and guns and religious civil war. I would not seek to kill Bin Laden... I would seek to give the opressed and discontent youth to which he speaks a true vision of what a man Bin Laden is... a vainglorious hate monger and bigot, and irrelevance, a fossil of an age of tribalism and holy wars... the working class must be encouraged to move beyond such figures... the Israeli and Palestinian people must be free of constant terror, those who hate us must be met with peace and the simple truth of our situation.
We live in an age where we possess weapons that in a single day could destroy 35% of the population of the earth, and another thrid should be dead in a year... we live in an age of atomic bombs.... we CANNOT continue to fight, it is not possible... if we cannot abandon war, terror, all forms of organised violence, then we are all lost, Jew, Muslim, Christian, Hindu, Sikh... all of us. We must chose between peace or destruction, life or death,,, it is no longer a question of bravery... it is a questionm of the survival of our species on this plannet. The stakes must be understood by all... if we cannot abandon our violence, we shall not survive,
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."
The Gospel of Thomas