the world is changing- things are not gonna be what they were, and lots of people are going to die for no good reason- the major powers are now targets- more and more, extremeists and seperatists are figuring out that they cannot hope to win a military victory against the big guys, even a guerilla one- so they are turning to terrorism as a way to sting whoever they dislike in a big way- and terrorism is just the thing that the major powers are not equipt to fight- they cannot effectively see something on as small a scale as most terror ops happen on, so they lash out, like a giant swinging at a hornet- naturaly, anything in the area of the hornet gets smashed too- this is how I see it being for at least the next decade, maybe longer..... and it is not a pretty picture to look at, as it has no obvious ending, just a dragging on of death and hatred.......
Thought the harder, Heart the bolder,
Mood the more as our might lessens