Originally Posted by Asterlite
aparently some of you think i am a bush supporter, or even a supporter of the war. sry guys, but your ignorance is apparently your own bliss. bashing the fundamentalist states and leaders of the middle east shows my disdain for the bush administration, hell, even of conservatism. it's the conservatives that keep the bullcrap alliances with our "friends" in the middle east. i am wholly aware that the bush administration is trying to wage war against islam. my position on islam is an idependant view of our policies here in the U.S. for the record, f*ck the war in iraq. f*ck imperialist aims by the american right, and f*ck bush in his coked up, illiterate, racist, money grubbing ass.
Note: Insulting others and questioning others isn't going to give you a lot of time on this board at all.
And my point is simple, I've had the same argument time after time, and they all end up about the same:
1: Islamic terrorists are evil. They must be killed and exterminated.
2: Its not just them, there are tons of people who are evil.
1: Well, these Islamic terrorists are the problem now.
2: Why Islamic? Why not terrorists in general?
1: Because their religion is to blame.
2: But their religion preaches nothing of the sort. These fringe extremists are to blame.
1: Well their politics is using religion as a tool.
2: And when have they not? Religion has been a factor in getting people to a cause, but has never mattered in the politics.
1: But they're evil in their cause and should be taken out.
2: But that will just create more.
And on and on the circular logic goes.
Heck, I think i should make entire threads where I argue with myself from both views - it would save a lot of time.