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Old 09-08-2004, 06:38 PM   #33 (permalink)
Big Cholla
Location: Las Vegas, Nevada
My wife carries a S&W 640 w/ .38 spec. Hyda-shock for everyday and a Ruger SP-101 w/ .357 mag Hyda-shock for highway trips, both in appropriately sized concealment purses. The Ruger is ported to hold the muzzle flip down. She practices with weakly loaded .38 special rounds and then finishes each practice with a couple of cylinders of full loads. She also is familiar with my semi-auto duty S&W 4006 in .40 S&W. She has been known to drop my Kel-Tec P32 in a front pocket of her blue jeans to run over to the grocery store/gas station.

The person acquiring a firearm for self-defense must make a mental connection with that gun "believing that they can shoot that particular gun accurately and quickly". Find a shooting range that rents handguns and have her try out many types and calibers before purchase. Then get all the instructional classes you/she can afford.

Last edited by Big Cholla; 10-01-2004 at 10:05 PM..
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