about 10 years ago i had a girlfriend (yeah, really) with a younger brother. I think he was about 10 or 11 at the time I knew him. cool little guy. we used to take him to the skatepark and I spent a long summer afternoon showing him how to make a spine ramp to ramp transfer. end of the day he was showing me how to do it with an extended layback. i let him drink half my beer and drove him home listening to the dead kennedys. When he asked, i left him the cassette.
didnīt think about this kid for 10 years until recently. during one my infrequent calls to the homestead, my mom asked if i remembered the little big guy. shit poor white trash family. not a lot of future promise. high school degree = burger king.
he joined the army. you know, career training and college tuition. better than flipping burgers. apparently he had a lot of interest and natural talent in wireless communications. Probably just the thing to put him in the valuable employee range.
about 7 weeks ago he became one of the statistics. this kid just wanted a good fucking job. i really donīt know what to think or say about this. best i can come up with is rage. yeah, long time ago i knew a cool little kid. iīm goddamn sure his death did not make the U.S. a safer place for other cool little kids. he died to preserve the power and special interests of these PUNKASS rich kids that will never know what motivates the average american youth. an authentic desire to just squeeze by. make a living. have kids. respect the rights of others. to be normal.
how can these hipocritical pussy extra privaleged slimebags ever begin to understand how much more valuable these lives are compared to their own? sorry for the rant. now i go look for the tequila. Prosit!