He was given two chances to take it back. Not one, but two, "hey, bob, now that you cooled down, you wanna take it back?" And he didn't. He should of - but only because of the abuse history of the Kidd family.
It is pathetic with that damn kid. And her. She married a star, she is not a star, and she should protect her kid rather than whoring him out to every 'insider' show there is. Her and the kid get more airtime than the New Jersey Nets.
Rumor is Kidd will not re-up with NJ cause of his wife's desire to move to someplace closer to an 'it' scene.
Bob Ryan said he made a mistake. He's paying for it in spades. No columns, no tv appearances, no nothing for one full month. It's a shame, he's interesting to watch, and knows sports. If we could only suspend her and the kid....