Originally Posted by nanofever
Much more accurate now, thanks for playing Ustwo.
Yes Nano, everyone is so evil out there and we are all so guilty.
Total BS liberal pap, but thanks for playing.
Edit: You know lets take a different track. I know its pointless with you but it will illistrate how wrong you are.
Imagine if after the next US hostage is taken in Iraq, the US forces were to take over a school in Iraq, demand the release of the hostage and threaten to kill the children. Lets say the Iraqis tried to recue the children and 400 of them were killed. What do you think the worlds reaction would be? What do you think would happen at home if that took place? We don't do that sort of thing and we would never allow ourselves to do so. We have come to expect it from the Islamic militants and it takes 400 dead kids to even make us talk about it. Buses, planes, restaurants, malls, night clubs, all barely make the paper because for them its NORMAL. This is what they do, this is who they are, and yet people like you make excuses for it, pass it off as 'normal' for all governments. Its a lie on your part, and your world view is at best distorted. They are savages worthy of the dark ages and you turn a blind eye.