Originally Posted by The Phenomenon
Well you will have to decide which area of Forensic Science you want to get into, since you will have to specialize in an area to get a job.
Physics, Biology and Chemistry will all be important. My Uni has a degree specifically for Forensic science, I am sure your uni must be able to help you. And with the science you will also need maths I suppose.
I don't know if it is necessary to study law though, but I might be wrong. If you do it would probably just be the basics.
Yeah, after thinking about it I don't really see a need for a lot of law studies. I seached around all last night on the internet and found a few things. One of the universities in my area had a few forensic classes, but no degrees. So I think I'll complete the Assocites of science in Biology then at the university I'll ask them what I should do after that.
I am sure it will be a ton of work. But like you said, it would be a pretty cool career.