Originally Posted by xepherys
(...)they've been at war for HOW many hundreds of years? They don't know anything else.(...)
please to be naming a consecutive period of 25 years of peace for the United States. Thats no rethoric question i honestly dont know. but i do believe you might have a had time providing me with such a period.
Even if you do find one or two periods of complete peace for the US you will certainly agree upon further reflection that your arguement is none. War is part of humanity it seems and the muslim nations didnt fight in more wars than the rest of the globe.
Also i dont realy consider bombing a country to rubbles before sending ground units as very herioc or valiant. Its clever for sure. And if you dont happen to have mechanical guided rockets, well then you have to do some serious indoctrination and use a biological guided rocket. Thats also clever.
Not saying either is good.