It's all perspective. In fact, they could take everything we do and apply it to us, just as we do to them.
To us, they seem cruel because they take hostages and behead people. In their eyes, we seem equally as cruel for all the screwed up things we do, like occupy their land (to them, it's important).
Beheadings are actually common there, and ISN'T cruel and unusual to them. It is to us. If they wanted to kill them in the most horrific way possible, they'd probably torture them for days on end instead of a swift slice to the neck. That's actually a pretty quick way to go.
The "terrorists" are just extremist freedom fighters who believe we're making their land impure and go about implementing their solutions in a WRONG way, just as we try to combat terrorism in the wrong way.
They're insanely religious, so while "impure land" doesn't mean much to us, it means everything to them, which is why they're willing to blow themselves up for their cause.
nm, I thought you were speaking about the islamics in the middle east, not the Chechen rebels.
I love lamp.
Last edited by Stompy; 09-08-2004 at 07:19 AM..