Originally Posted by Halx
If you were serving your country, you'd be in Florida as disaster relief, not in Iraq securing oil reserves for your "leaders" friends.*
*Hypothetical statement
Hmmm... Well, I'm in the National Guard... but in Michigan, not Florida. If I were in the Florida National Guard, that's exactly what I'd be doing right now, just like they are. Per various acts of congress (or possible constitutional law) the federal army is not allowed to be deployed stateside (unless, of course, we're under attack by an army at home). National Guard units generally don't deploy outside of their own state. They can, but the governer of state A asks the governer of state B, and usually state B will go to state A's aid. But since each state has a few thousand of their own troops, it's usually unnessecary, save for long-term actions like guarding areas in NYC.