I always find it odd when christians claim to mourn the dead.
I would think their religous tenets would allow them to be estatic--after all, aren't those men and women shooting on up to heaven to be with their Lord and Savior?
And doesn't every death get the world closer to the endtimes--after all, isn't that what bush and other reborns desire?
It must be an odd existence to believe things that conflict with real social demands of grief. I used to live that lifestyle and now I can barely remember how I managed to ensure the beliefs demanded of me meshed with my lived experience.
So my sympathy lies with the christians who have to deal with yet another inconsistency in their ideological house of cards.
And if anyone questions my or Halx's concern or respect for military peoples, come live in Southern California for a bit where you'll deal with a lot more than abstract soldiers used for politicking.
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