Originally Posted by xepherys
Uhm... first, it's hate (and in some cases) fear.
Or so you believe.
Secondly, what disenfranchised youth?
What do mean "What disenfranchised youth? Or do you believe that young Arabic men and women are genetically predisposed towards terrorism?!!
course they have to be disenfrachised, or at the very least, disenchanted.
They've been training their OWN CHILDREN to be suicide bombers for years... long before they were blowing themselves up in our backyards.
"They" being whom? All the Syrian and Iranian nation? Sheesh...
Ever hear of Israel? Russia? Much of Europe? This is only new to the U.S.
Yes I have. And yes, it's new to the US because of recent US Foreign Policy. Or do you believe that if the US disengaged from patently anti-Arabic policy that it would continue?
It's damned Muslim terrorists... it's not all people of arabic decent, and it's not ONLY people of arabic decent.
Well, you just contradicted yourself and supported my original statement.
Mr Mephisto