Sure, people, go ahead and get pissed off at me. You don't think I don't respect these soldiers? You're totally wrong. However, unlike you, I can look at the picture from a totally objective viewpoint. Sure, some people chose to give up their high-paying job to go over and fight the war. That's just not the case for the majority, though. Don't ever think you have some sort of point because you can think of a couple exceptions to a statement. I'm not here preaching law, just giving my opinion, and I don't have to be correct about 100% of the people I'm covering in a blanket statement to feel justified.
I respect soldiers and their will to do the dirty work for us. It's quite obvious that without them, I would not be allowed to be the asshole that I am today. HOWEVER, just because they feel they are fighting the good fight does not mean they are. Just because they find themselves buried in the ranks and experiencing the war from a first-hand point of view does not mean they are seeing the whole thing.
So, hats off to the soldiers, for they are truely devoted men and I can respect that. It's a shame they have been mislead and falsely persuaded.