Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
Ustwo, are you honestly promoting an attack upon Iran and then Syria?
If so, you are the perfect example of why the Middle Eastern countries fear and (in some cases) hate America, and why Islamic fundamentalists are so easily able to recruit disenfranchised youth to act as terrorists.
Uhm... first, it's hate (and in some cases) fear. Secondly, what disenfranchised youth? They've been training their OWN CHILDREN to be suicide bombers for years... long before they were blowing themselves up in our backyards. Ever hear of Israel? Russia? Much of Europe? This is only new to the U.S.
Originally Posted by Mr Mephisto
I'm sure you'd be the first one to throw up your hands and cry "Damn Arab terrorists, they're attacking us again!" or some such outburst.
If the US attacks Syria and Iran, then (by your own logic), the "terrorists" would have every right to strike back.
Snake eating its own tail?
Mr Mephisto
It's damned Muslim terrorists... it's not all people of arabic decent, and it's not ONLY people of arabic decent. And frankly, the Muslims have been at their holy wars since the religion was founded. Take the Christian Crusades and multiply by ad nauseum... *shrug* Business as usual for many of them (not ALL Muslims are bad... just the nutty Jihadist ones).