Originally Posted by Rekna
When did Iraq cause 9/11? What does Iraq have to do with 9/11 at all? Did we attack Iraq because they were an eminent threat and had WMD or did we attack them because they flew planes into our buildings? Please clarify this because i've never seen any evidence linking Iraq to 9/11. If we went in because of 9/11 why are we buddy buddy with the Saudis?
What did the kids do to us? What did the old lady taking care of her 3 grandchildern do to us? The fact is there are a lot of innocent people in Iraq dieing by our careless raids. If you think every Iraqi that has died deserved it then you have serious issues.
Simply going in with force isn't helping the problem at all. Every time we kill an innocent we bolster the ranks of the opposing forces. Ever time will kill an opposing force we do the same also.
Iraq didn't cause it... but they were another good stop on the way to ridding the world of sadistic leaders (maybe Bush is one, too... I make no comments either way). "We're" buddy buddy with the Saudis because of money and oil... we referring to leadership, not to soldiers...
I don't think every Iraqi that has died deserves it... I think every militant who died has. The clerks and bankers and wives and mothers and fathers and husbands at the World Trade Center didn't "do anything" either. Yes yes, Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. There are theories that bin Laden did receive money from Iraq, but that's neither here nor there.
We bolster the ranks of the opposing force just by being us... by being Americans, by being free, by being Democratic, by being Christian,. by being friends with Israel... We didn't need to kill any innocent children to get attacked in the first place. *shrug* People have hated us as a nation for a LONG time. This is nothing new. Radical muslims and terrorists have also been killing innocents for a LONG time... just not in the U.S.
I wonder if anyone has taken a global, historical view of everything that has led up to now. The fact that the U.S. USED force against any of it's enemies, perceived or otherwise, is not a shock to a lot of people that study such things. *shrug* I'm not really sure why Iraq not being involved in 9/11 has much to do with anything... we should've finished that fight off 13 years ago. We just had to come back for a rematch.