Originally Posted by Asterlite
the myth of the liberal media is just that; a myth. if the media was so "liberal" why would they find and air interviews with the liars that attack Kerry's millitary record, and yet completely ignore all the people that served in the ntl guard with Bush ( or DIDN'T serve) who would testify before open court that bush was absent from his duties. if the media is so liberal, why are there public investigations devling into Kerry's past so in depth, while Bush's past is kept under lock, key, and heavy black magic marker? The liberal media is actually owned and operated by conservatives.
I think you make great points but I have a bit of a different take.
I think bias exists on both sides, but I think the biggest bias is the one both sides have against the press. And as I have stated before that to me is the scariest of biases because we are forcing the press to react to news the way we want them to, so that they can keep the ratings and the ad rates up.
Just look how they sensationalize any time a beautiful rich woman is missing and how they focus on what the husband is doing. If Laci Peterson or the one in Utah had been ugly and poor do you think they'd have said anything nationally?
By focusing on this minutia, sensationalizing it, and making it front page, they don't have to focus on real issues.
Just like our politicans, if they keep throwing mud and trying to destroy each other's character they don't have to run on issues, because people get tired of it and just tune it out.
We are becoming very desensitized, that is why we have to blow things out of proportion, sensationalize and make it all Hollywood. Those things that aren't like Graham's book, W's NG record or alleged coke use, or even the war and what truly is going on over there. Notice we get blurbs but nothing truly showing us what is happening over there..... like we did for Desert Storm or the beginning of the war.