i haven't read any responses, but this is my take on clocks:
1. My bedroom clock is 2 hrs and 34 minutes fast. That way, i wake up early, have to think about what time it is, then hit snooze three times and i'm good to go. it's just confusing
2. my car clock is 17 minutes fast. that way, i can look at it, see 1:17 and know that i will arrive in pineville at 1:27 real time. it's where i used to work
3. My watch is 10 minutes fast and has no hands, that way, i have to think abuot what time it is and i can think i'm running late, so i'll be early. it is also 5 minutes less than the time between classes in college.
4. My bathroom clock randomly speeds up and slows down...i have no idea why, but it makes for an interesting morning....
lots of fun