Alright, I have the following to say on this topic (aren't I always just so opinionated?):
1) As was mentioned earlier, weight is not as important as bodyfat count and appearance/feeling. I weigh about 215# and am only 5'7" or so. I have very broad shoulders and a larger build. I'm not fat, though i could stand to lose a few pounds. I've not weighed less than 190# as far as I can remember, not even right out of Basic Training.
2) It is not considered ideal to try to lose weight and gain muscle at the same time. While a little of both can occur at the same time, it's best to decide what is more important to you. Heavy cardio will get rid of fat faster, but it will almost certainly (depending slightly on your own metabolism) burn some muscle as well. Muscle is a better source of energy for your body than fat, so it'll pull form both at the same time. Conversely, the calories needed to "bulk up" will also increase your fat mass. It's virtually impossible to take in EXACTLY the amount of protein and calories that will allow muscle to build without putting on some fat. Remember that ALL (or as much as your metabolism will allow) sugars (carbs) and proteins that are left over from muscle-building will be stored as fat.
3) Advice is great, but everyone's body works differently. Some people just cannot bulk up, try as they may. You need to try different things and find what works for you.