I find it very hard to trust any reports from any source. For every report that says it's fine, there's one stating that it's harmful. You can't win either way and there will probably never be the "end all" answer.
There's just too much conflicting information... like you said w/ eggs, I mean, they're comin out w/ reports CONSTANTLY about how eggs are good, then next week they're bad, but a week later they're good again when in reality they're fine - they're eggs, not blocks of tar. They're fine, just like anything else, if consumed in moderation. If you eat a carton of eggs a day, yeah, it'd be bad. If you had 3 a day, probably not.
3 cans of diet soda isn't bad at all. I drink more than that sometimes.. maybe like 6 cans a day. It's more or less flavored water w/ some caffeine, so it's not very harmful. The nutrition label says 0 calories, 0 carbs, and that's all that really matters.
Think of it this way: If it was REALLY a problem, the FDA would do something about it.
If you compare it to people who drink NOTHING BUT water, then yeah, it'll appear not so healthy, but compare it to others who drink cup after cup of coffee (which is a lot of people) and you'll see that it's not so bad.
I love lamp.