I have a theory that I came up with while trying to respond to a letter in the opinion section of my local newspaper. The guy had multiple contradictions in the same 250 word or less letter than I could even deal with and ended up not responding. Hence my epiphany...The problem with Bush is that there are too many problems with Bush. Almost like the survival tatics of zebras and schools of fish. A lion or some other predator is seen. The zebras get together and appears as a jumbled mess and the lion cannot single out a target. One attempts to attack Bush's policies, service record, alledged cocaine use, ties to Saudi Arabia, electronic voting machines, etc, and you get side tracked, furious, frustrated. On the other hand, you have only a few reasons to like him. The converse is true with Kerry, there are only a few reasons not to like him, mainly these days being his disputed military record and flip flopping. I think it is by just some stroke of unimagineable luck that it could play out like this.