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Old 05-09-2003, 06:27 AM   #34 (permalink)
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UPDATE : Hazers Parents Probed

May 9, 2003
Parents Probed in Suburban Chicago Hazing

Filed at 3:45 a.m. ET

NORTHBROOK, Ill. (AP) -- A videotaped hazing in which high school girls were pummeled and showered with feces, paint and garbage has humiliated and shocked students and administrators at a suburban Chicago high school that once enjoyed a prestigious reputation.

``It's devastating to our school and to our community,'' said Glenbrook North High Principal Michael Riggle.

Authorities are trying to determine whether parents supplied beer and some of the filth.

``It's annoying and embarrassing, because there are a lot of good people at GBN,'' junior Judd Hack, 17, said Thursday. ``But it shouldn't be covered up either, because this is brutality to another human being by drunken buffoons.''

The melee, videotaped by students and involving as many as 100 teenagers, occurred Sunday during a girls' touch football game in a park in this well-to-do suburb. Seniors had invited juniors for what was described as an initiation into their senior year.

Five girls were hospitalized, including one who broke an ankle and another who suffered a cut that required 10 stitches in her head.

Cook County Forest Preserve District police said Thursday that they probably will file criminal charges. Spokesman Steve Mayberry said he did not know the charges or how many people might be charged.

Two parents might have supplied kegs of beer, said school board member Tom Shaer.

The students apparently arranged the event in secret, taking pains to make sure school administrators -- who suspected the girls were planning something -- did not find out the time and place.

``We have determined the kids had a network of cell phones, pagers, text messages and Internet instant messages to keep each other informed,'' Shaer said.

For years, students at the school of more than 2,000 students have held a ``powder puff'' football game as a rite of passage for incoming seniors.

Shaer said in the past, administrators have been able to find out when and where the event was to take place in time to alert the police.

Zack Blum, a student who videotaped the event, said that hazing in previous years was limited to girls dumping food on other girls.

Rollin Soskin, a lawyer for three girls who were beaten, said there was no indication that this year would be any different.

``They were told no physical pain would be inflicted, no hair cutting, they wouldn't be made to eat anything,'' he said.

Jon Lee, a 17-year-old junior, said he knows three people who were injured.

``I think that whatever the local law enforcement and school officials want to give out as punishment, they deserve it,'' Lee said.
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